Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Open chakras: an individual healing path 🙏🏻 It is a very individual matter how the individual man goes about his personal healing path and which techniques he or she finds most helpful. However, there are many methods that have been tried and tested many times and are found to be very useful by most people. However, arguably the most underestimated aspect of working with the chakras is probably the confrontation with the challenges of daily life: Here we are usually confronted directly with our topics and a salutary examination of the feelings and emotions of our daily life often provide the important clues and keys to a deeper energetic transformation. Open chakras: Five points to open the chakras 🙏🏻 1. Find out which chakras are currently the main topics For example, through: Chakra basic meditation, topics of daily life, physical tension and discomfort, self-analysis based on the chakra themes Goal: Understanding of the current state, meaningful design of the further healing path 2. Observing these chakra themes in daily life For example, by: sensing tension / anxiety in certain situations, observing thoughts and feelings, consciously engaging in feelings. Objective: To come into contact with unconscious emotions, fears, traumas, wounds, behaviors and beliefs 3. Chakra meditation and chakra energy work For example, through: Basic Chakra Meditation, Chakra Meditations, Chakra Balance, Pranayama Goal: to build intimate relationship with the affected chakras, energetic support of the chakras, 4. Suitable body work For example, through: yoga, tai chi, dance, fitness, massages, body therapy, respiratory therapy Objective: to support healing from the physical level, to become aware and to resolve physical blockages. 5. Support at the vibration level For example, through: singing bowls, colors, smoking, healing stones and possibly also energy workers and spiritual healers Objective: Subtle support for stabilization and excitation according to the resonance principle
