Day 6 (a.k.a. December 2, 2019)
Charles Lamson
Hey Everybody!
Welcome all to Day 6 of the 30-Day Bring Positive Changes and Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem Test.
Again, you may have noticed that I did not post yesterday. I was still somewhat fighting off that bug a little bit that I was talking about in my last post, Day 4. So, my brain felt like it was in a fog. And, this blog or project that I'm working on actually requires a little bit more creative thinking than I use on my other blog, which is mainly about things like the behavioral sciences, management, business administration, public relations, communications, with some economics and finance thrown in as well. I find it easier to write on these topics because they are all basically research papers, which basically means everything I want to write is right in front of me in the source material I use.
I don't completely plagiarize the sources I use on my other blog, The Rant, but I still find it easier because the structure of what I want to write is easy for me to visualize in my head than it is when I'm just trying to relay what I went through in a given day. For some reason, putting my thoughts coherently in written form, relaying my day-to-day activities, is more difficult to me. It may get easier with continued practice.
So, my point being is that when I woke up yesterday morning with my cloudy head, I just put off doing the post Day 5. And then, I just got busy with other little projects, and before I knew it, it was time to go to bed.
But, I did manage to listen to the below YouTube video 432 Hz Bring Positive Changes - Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem - 432 Hz Miracle Tone Recording in the morning while I was drinking coffee, waking up, and working on my other blog.
432 Hz Bring Positive Changes - Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem - 432 Hz Miracle Tone
December 3, 2019
7:07 p.m.
I don't know why I just can't seem to build enough excitement for this project to complete my daily entries, or even semi-daily. I just can't get my head into this project; the writing part anyway. Perhaps I just have too many irons in the fire. Because, I'm still working on my other blog. I love doing that. I just find the writing style of daily personal journaling to be more difficult than writing more scholarly type posts like I do on The Rant.
However, I still am doing the other parts of the 30-Day Bring Positive Changes and Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem Test that I set out to do from the beginning of this little experiment/gonzo journalism piece. Not only have I kept my commitment to listen to 432 Hz Bring Positive Changes - Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem - 432 Hertz Miracle Tone Recording (mentioned above) at least once a day, but I have also been listening to the below YouTube video Root Chakra Healing Chants - LET GO OF FEARS AND INSECURITIES - Seed Mantra "Lam" Chanting Meditation A LOT, both throughout the day and at night while I'm sleeping.
Root Chakra Healing Chants - LET GO OF FEARS AND INSECURITIES - Seed Mantra "Lam" Chanting Meditation
As far as the 30-Day Bring Positive Changes and Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem Test goes, I have noticed that I'm getting a lot better at observing, tracking, and stopping all of the harmful self-critical thinking. I'm not doing that nearly as much. It is only a few times a day now that I have to remind myself to stop thinking like that. And I catch and stop it early before I let my mind take me into a full-blown, mental self-flagellation session.
Both yesterday and today, I've just been so busy every waking minute with all my other various creative projects, that I'm not even thinking about the 30-Day project, except for when I choose to put that music from the above mentioned YouTube videos on in the background, while I'm working on my other blog, or my artwork (am currently in the middle of creating my own tarot deck). I'm just so busy trying to train my mind not to think at all in those self-destructive ways, that I haven't been able to take out the time (until now) to objectively notice if there's any positive development regarding the 30-Day Bring Positive Changes and Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem Test because I'm just too busy worrying about other stuff.
Until next time stay positive, confident and have good self-esteem. And, I shall try to do the same.
Stay tuned . . .
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