Managing Change
Charles Lamson
Every manager needs a clear understanding of how to manage change effectively. Organizational change is managed effectively when
- The organization is moved from its current state to some planned future state that will exist after the change.
- The functioning of the organization in the future state meets expectations; that is, the change works as planned.
- The transition is accomplished without excessive cost to the organization.
- The transition is accomplished without excessive cost to the individual organizational members.
People are the key to successful change. For an organization to be great, or even just to survive, people have to care about its fate, and know how they can contribute. But typically, leadership lies with only a few people at the top. Too few take on the burden of change; the number of people who care deeply, and who make innovative contributions, is too small. People throughout the organization need to take a greater interest and a more active role in helping the business as a whole. They have to believe they can make a difference. And they have to identify with the entire organization, not just with their unit and close colleagues.
These important attitudes and feelings are not unusual in startups and very small organizations. Too often they are lost with growth and over time. In large, traditional corporations, they are all too rare. There needs to be a permanent rekindling of individual creativity and responsibility, a true change in the behavior of people throughout the organization. The essential task is to motivate people fully to keep changing in response to new business challenges.
Motivating People to Change
People must be motivated to change. But often they resist changing. For example, if your boss were to tell you, we have to become world-class, what would be your reaction?
Many people settle for mediocrity rather than aspire to world-class status. They resist the idea of striving mightily for excellence. They say things such as the following:
To deal with such reactions, and successfully implement positive change, it is important to understand why people often resist change. Some reasons are general and arise in most change efforts. Other reasons for resistance relate to the specific nature of a particular change.
General Reasons for Resistance Several reasons for resistance arise regardless of the actual content of the change.
Change-Specific Reasons for Resistance Other causes of resistance arise from the specific nature of a proposed change. Change-specific reasons for resistance include:
What could people fear to lose? At worst, their jobs, if management is considering closing down a plant. A merger or reorganization, or technological change, could create the same fear. Despite assurances that no one will be laid off or fired, people might fear a cut in pay or loss of power and status under the new arrangement.
It is important to recognize that employees assessments can be more accurate than management's; they may know what change will not work even if management doesn't. In this case, resistance to change is beneficial for the organization. Thus, even though management typically considers resistance a challenge to be overcome, it may actually represent an important signal that a proposed challenge requires further, more open-minded scrutiny.
A General Model for Managing Resistance Motivating people to change often requires three basic strategies: unfreezing, moving to institute the change, and refreezing.
In the unfreezing stage, management realizes that its current practices are no longer appropriate and the company must break out of (unfreeze) its present mold by doing things differently. People must come to recognize that some of the past ways of thinking, feeling, and doing things are obsolete. Perhaps the most effective way to do this is to communicate to people the negative consequences of the old ways by comparing the organization’s performance to its competitors. Management can share with employees data about costs, quality, and profits. However, care must be taken not to arouse people’s defensiveness by pinning the blame directly and entirely on them.
An important contributor to unfreezing is the recognition of a performance gap, which can be a precipitator of major change. A performance gap is the difference between actual performance and the performance that should or could exist. A gap typically implies poor performance; for example, sales, profits, stock price, or other financial indicators are down. This situation attracts management’s attention, and management introduces changes to try to correct things.
Another, very important form of performance gap can exist. This type of gap can occur when performance is good but someone realizes that it could be better. Thus, the gap is between what is and what could be. This is where entrepreneurs seize opportunities and where companies that engage in strategic maneuvering gain a competitive edge. Whereas many change efforts begin with the negative, it often is more valuable to identify strengths and potential and then develop new modes of operating from that positive perspective.
As an impetus for change, a performance gap can apply to the organization as a whole; it also can apply to departments, groups, and individuals. If a department or work group is not performing as well as others in the company, or if it sees an opportunity that it can exploit, that unit will be motivated to change. Similarly, an individual may receive negative performance feedback or see a personal opportunity on which to capitalize. Under these circumstances, unfreezing begins, and people can be more motivated to change than they are if no such gap exists.
Moving to institute the change begins with establishing a vision of where the company is heading. The vision can be realized through strategic, structural, cultural, and individual change. Cultural changes are institutionalized through effective leadership. Individuals will change as new people join the company and as people throughout the organization adopt the leader's new vision for the future.
Finally, refreezing means strengthening the new behaviors that support the change. Changes must be diffused and stabilized throughout the company. Refreezing involves implementing control systems that support the change, applying corrective action when necessary, and reinforcing behaviors and performance that support the agenda. Management should consistently support and reward all evidence of movement in the right direction.
In today's organizations, refreezing is not always the best third step, if it creates new behaviors that are as rigid as the old ones. The ideal new culture is one of continuous change. Refreezing is appropriate when it permanently instills behaviors that maintain central core values, such as a focus on important business results and those values maintained by the companies that are built to last. But refreezing should not create new rigidities that might become dysfunctional as the business environment continues to change. The behaviors that should be refrozen are those that promote continued adaptability, flexibility, experimentation, assessment of results, and continuous improvement. In other words, lock in key values, capabilities, and strategic mjssion, but not necessarily specific management practices and procedures.
Specific Approaches to Enlist Cooperation You can try to command people to change, but the key to long-term success is to use other approaches. Developing true support is better than driving a program forward. How, specifically, can management motivate people to change? Most managers underestimate the variety of ways they can influence people during a change. Several effective approaches to managing resistance and enlisting cooperation are available.
Each approach to managing resistance has advantages and drawbacks and, like many of the other situational and contingency management approaches, each is useful in different situations. Managers should not use just one or two general approaches, regardless of the circumstances. Effective change managers are familiar with the various approaches and know how to apply them according to the situation.
Throughout the process, change leaders need to build in stability. In the midst of change, turmoil, and uncertainty, people need anchors on to which they can latch. This means keeping some things constant and visible, such as the organization's values and mission. In addition, strategic principles can be important anchors during change. It can help further to maintain the visibility of key people, continue key assignments and projects, and make announcements about which organizational components will not change. Such anchors will reduce anxiety and help overcome resistance.
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