Friday, December 13, 2019

Day 17

Day 17
 Charles Lamson

 Hey everybody! Welcome to Day 17 of the 35-Day Bring Positive Changes and Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem Ritual. That's right, for those of you who are paying close attention, you may remember that in the last post, Day 12 (back on December 8th), I decided I was going to officially start calling this 30-day bring positive changes and boost confidence and self esteem test The 35-Day Bring Positive Changes and Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem Ritual. And, I was going to extend it five days, because I thought it would be more auspicious to end this ritual on the first day of January in the year of Our Lord 2020.

Image result for new age

It has been five days since the last post. I suppose it was rather unrealistic of me to expect to do daily log entrees, or posts to keep track of this ritual with all the other stuff I have going on in my life. I just don't have enough time to do a blog entry every single day. With my other blog, my radio show, working out, and my other hobbies, there's just not enough time.

However, I have still been performing The Ritual every day. Just to recap, when I first began this ritual, or test, which has since morphed into a pretty elaborate 35-day ritual, this is what I wrote on Day 1:

🎧 432 Hz Bring Positive Changes | Boost Confidence and Self Esteem | 432 Hz Miracle Tone Recording,

Day 1  
Charles Lamson 

Been having a lot of problems with confidence and self-esteem lately. So I prayed about it earlier today. Then, when I got onto the Internet, I noticed the above video, entitled 432 Hz - Bring Positive Change and Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem - 432 Hz Miracle Recording, was at the top of my Youtube recommendation list. 
So, since the 30-Day Proactive Test in Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People worked so well for me in the past (See my other blog The Rant to learn more about that.), I decided to listen to the above music video every day for 30 days and challenge myself to do a Coveyesque 30-Day Bring Positive Change and Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem Test, in which, I simply just focus on bringing positive change and boosting my confidence and self-esteem for 30 days and writing about it in this blog to keep track of my progress.
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So, my point being is that even though I haven't been making blog entries every day, I have been listening to the above YouTube video, 🎧 432 Hz Bring Positive Changes | Boost Confidence and Self Esteem | 432 Hz Miracle Tone Recording, every day, at least once a day. And to supplement that, I have also been listening to the below YouTube video, Root Chakra Healing Chants ⁂ LET GO OF FEARS & INSECURITIES ⁂ Seed Mantra "LAM" Chanting Medita tion, every day.

Root Chakra Healing Chants ⁂ LET GO OF FEARS & INSECURITIES ⁂ Seed Mantra "LAM" Chanting Meditation

So, as far as reporting any positive changes or boosting of confidence and self-esteem goes, not much to report, in that, I know the last post on Day 12 was rather manic and I was in a supercharged good mood and was feeling the effect of this ritual hitting me hard.

To be honest, I was getting a little bipolar. When I started to come down from the manic high I wrote about on Day 12 of The Ritual, because my body needed to rest, I did sleep a little bit, and when I woke up yesterday morning, after not enough sleep, I found myself sliding back into the old overly self-critical, negative-thinking patterns.

But then, I just made the decision to get out of bed, shave, take all of my healthy supplements, get in a good workout, and have a nice meal. And, after doing that, I started feeling a lot better and I had a pretty good day.

Maybe a little too good, in that, I started to get a little manic again last night. I was just excited and in a good mood; so much so, that I had trouble sleeping again last night. It was the full moon too. That might have had something to do with it. But, regardless, as a result, I just had a sort of low-energy, tired-feeling sort of day. But that's okay, We can't all be high-energy dynamos all day, everyday. All-in-all, it was still a fairly constructive day. 

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So until next time, stay tuned . . .


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